'Petition the King' is linking up with other grassroots campaign groups in the UK and around the world to oppose the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty and the new and proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005).
Individually and combined, they represent a major power grab and threat to national and individual sovereignty by the unelected and unaccountable World Health Organisation (WHO).
We hope you will find the following links useful . . .
Could you write to your MP about your concerns regarding the WHO?
If so, you may find this template letter useful, not just for alerting your MP to your concerns regarding the proposed WHO pandemic treaty, but also for prompting wider public debate on the issue >>
‘The WHO Is a Real and Present Danger’
Our governments intend to transfer decisions over our health, families, and societal freedoms to the Director General of the World Health Organisation (WHO), whenever he or she declares it necessary. The success of this transfer of power depends on public ignorance of its implications, and of the nature of the WHO itself and its recent pandemic policy reversals. When the public understands, then its leaders are more likely to act in their interests rather than against them.” >>
A briefing Paper on the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments
While international cooperation and coordination in public health makes sense, proposals for an unprecedented ceding of rule-making powers and national sovereignty from national governments to the unelected World Health Organisation and related erosions of cornerstone human rights are gravely concerning. – UsforThem. >>
WCH policy Brief to Counter the WHO’s Monopolisation of Global Health
The World Council for Health's policy expert group urges the rejection of some of the submitted amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and the WHO draft pandemic treaty to counter monopolisation of global health. >>
Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: Annotated Guide
The Covid-skeptic world has been claiming the World Health Organization (WHO) plans to become some sort of global autocratic government, removing national sovereignty and replacing it with a totalitarian health state . . . >>
The Top 6 reasons we must oppose the proposed IHR amendments
This is NOT about the proposed WHO CA+ ('Pandemic Treaty'). This IS about the amendments to the International Health Regulations that WERE adopted on May 27, 2022, as well as the 307 proposed amendments that are currently being negotiated in secret. >>
Must watch! Dr John Campbell interviews US journalist James Roguski
James Roguski has fully analysed the threat from the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. >>
At last, politicians prepared to resist the WHO power grab
A new citizens’ initiative called Trust and Freedom, which includes MEPs from seven EU countries, met on 4 July 2023 to challenge the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, as well as the WHO’s creeping International Health Recommendations which also threaten to undermine individual nations’ independent policy decision-making. The group is supported by an international team of lawyers acting for the vaccine-injured plaintiffs in the MRNA Injury Case filed in July 2022. >>
Noor Bin Ladin exposes how the WHO does not care about your health
instead, it acts as a globalist organisation under the United Nations to bring about centralised control. She discusses how the aim has been the same for the past 100 years, WHO’s grand designs for surveillance and its 'triple billion' targets. >>
Britain Has 'practised the drill' for lockdown, says nudge unit chief
Professor David Halpern told the Telegraph that the country had “practised the drill” of wearing face masks and working from home and “could redo it” in a future crisis. >>
Challenging the Pandemic Treaty – a speech by Andrew Bridgen MP
Andrew Bridgen MP speaks at the EU Parliament. >>
WHO's Pandemic Treaty will give it powers with the force of law
The WHO's proposed Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) will hand the international health body unprecedented powers to declare pandemics, lockdowns and vaccination mandates, with the force of international law, leading experts have told MPs. >>
The growing menace of Bill Gates’ ‘global health’
What do we mean by ‘global health’ and why is the influence of the Gates Foundation apparent almost anywhere the term ‘global health’ appears? Dr Roger Watson and Dr Niall McCrae explain. >>
Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations
Second meeting of the working group on amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) provisional agenda item 6 from February 2023. >>
Bureau's text of the WHO CA+
Resumed fifth meeting and drafting group of the intergovernmental negotiating body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. >>
"The Quadripartite Organisations – the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE), and the World Health Organization (WHO) – collaborate to drive the change and transformation required to mitigate the impact of current and future health challenges at the human–animal– plant–environment interface at global, regional and country level." >>