Say NO to the WHO power grab
​Why is this petition needed?
We are facing an imminent threat to our liberty. Why? Because our government has, in principle, already agreed to the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty (WHO CA+) being proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This treaty is aimed at centralising the WHO's control over health emergencies including pandemics.
Alongside this, the World Health Assembly (WHA) is also amending the International Health Regulations (IHR), which have force under international law, to give the WHO power to demand lockdowns and digital vaccines passports, mandate vaccines for you and your family, and prevent you from travelling.
Together, these two international legal instruments will erode our democracy. So now we must exercise our constitutional right to petition the King - who swore an oath at his coronation not to allow any external or international power to rule over us.
Do you remember the horrors of the Covid lockdowns?
'Stay at home’; quarantines and curfews; people sacked for refusing the experimental vaccines; mandated mask-wearing; elderly people dying alone in care homes; fines for standing too close; arrests for country walks and sitting on park benches . . .
These policies – now known to be totally ineffective – were recommended to us by the WHO. Yet now that same organisation wants even more powers: to declare an international pandemic, then order us to submit to whatever it tells us to do. And, believe it or not, last year our government agreed to this!
The WHO will be granted these draconian powers – from May 2024 – unless the UK government withdraws from the Treaty (WHO CA+) and the proposed changes to the IHR. There is no official opposition to this because Labour, the Lib Dems and the Welsh and Scottish Nationalists are also supporting it. Not that our government is listening to any opposition anyway…

What do we need to do?
We – the 'Petition the King Campaign' – believe that the King must hear from as many people as possible. We must tell him we do not accept that the WHO should have any power to decide our public health policies.
We have made your protest possible – and really easy – by pre-printing postcards which you can simply sign and post off to King Charles III at Buckingham Palace. Order postcards for yourself, your family and friends today, then sign and post them off to the Palace as soon as they arrive. Please see our contact details below.
Will the campaign work?
We think so. It was founded in June this year by Graham Wood and Anthony Bennett, who organised a similar, successful ‘purple postcard’ campaign in 2007.
Then, our national independence was threatened when the EU demanded that we and other EU nations sign up to a European Constitution. Graham and Anthony devised cards with the message: ‘No European Constitution Without a Referendum’. These cards flooded into the Palace on a daily basis, totalling some 210,000 by the end. Within months, the UK government agreed that we should not accept an EU Constitution and, soon after, the EU was forced to drop the idea.
To order your 'purple postcards' email petitiontheking@btinternet.com or call Anthony on 07835 716537. Then post them off to King Charles III as soon as they arrive.
The prices for our cards, inclusive of postage, are:
10 cards - £2.50 • 20 cards - £4 • 40 cards - £7 • 100 cards - £14 • 200 cards - £25
What have you got to lose – be part of the resistance!